A Blogging Tip For A Flash Drive
Written by Erz on Thursday, January 17, 2008Jason at Success For Your Blog is taking a leaf from the Problogger and holding a competition. To enter, just post about a blogging tip, link back to his contest post and let him know you've entered.
For entering, you will get some link love from Jason, while one lucky blogger will also walk away with an 8GB USB flash drive.
Contest ends 10 February 2008 (his birthday). Check out full details at his contest post.
My Blogging Tip: How To Differentiate Your Blog
What makes a blog stand out from the crowd? How do you enable visitors to remember you among the hundreds of thousands of blogs? Here are some simple tips:
1. Pick a unique design - This is rather self-explanatory. It may be difficult for new bloggers to purchase their own custom-made designs but ultimately, you'd want to go that way to make yiour blog stand out from the rest.
2. Have a unique name - You have to thread this path carefully. While a unique name is great for recognition, it shouldn't be one which is too difficult to remember.
3. Emphasize your blog style - If your blog has a personality, that would be fantastic. Many blogs just mirror others and thus lose that distinctiveness that they could have had. Look no further than the numerous money-making blogs in the blogosphere. How many can you really recall? Even for contest blogs like mine, it is essential that you have your own character. If you'd noticed, Blog Paradise sets itself apart from other similar blogs by its insistence on promoting only contests which have no geographical entry restrictions. You can come from Italy, Germany, South Africa, Australia, Mexico, Canada, USA, Japan, Thailand, India and so on and still enter the contests you see here. We also try to keep to the family-friendly atmosphere we have built. I have been contacted to promote contests for sites with adult-related themes and I have flatly refused to do so. Be firm in ensuring that your blog follows the personality you want it to have.
Happy blogging!
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